
Must not forget that Detectron2, Pytorch-lightning, Hugging-face transformers, and Pytorch has option to resume training.

With this resume training option, we can continuously train on colab.

image.shape works in opencv - outputs (height, width, channels)

image.size works in PIL(pillow) - outputs (width,height). - img.mode gives no.of.channels like RGB. then what is torch follows..?

if !cd doesn't work in colab, then try %cd. check here

Shell command in python code:

import subprocess

def convert_pdf_to_html(pdf_path, html_path):
    command = f"pdf2htmlEX {pdf_path} --dest-dir {html_path}"
    subprocess.call(command, shell=True)

input_pdf = "quarterly-nvidia.pdf"
output_pdf = "quarterly-nvidia"

convert_pdf_to_html(input_pdf, output_pdf)