Dino V2- DIstillation with NO knowledge


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  • Dino is a Self-supervised Model, stands for DIstillation of knowledge with NO labels. knowledge distillation is splitting up large model into smaller models by minimizing distance b/n the outputs.
  • They produce all purpose (or) task agnostic(irrelevant of task) features from images to use in any system with out finetuning, and some times performs better than finetuned models.
  • A Curated Dataset(142M Images) with Automatic Data creation/processing pipeline + Distillation of VIT-1B model into smaller models made the magic.

Like BERT, GPT, T5, Flan-t5 and other LLMs(Large Language Models) in NLP, Researchers want this DINO & CLIP from OpenAI as Foundation models in Vision.

  • Using Text-Guided pretraining, limits the information in images, since captions only approximate the rich features in images. complex pixel-level information may not surface with this approach.
  • Further more the image encoders in them require aligned text-image corpora , and hence do not offer the flexibility.

Dino Researchers revisited Descriminative self supervised approaches that learn both Image + Patch level information such as iBOT.

In curating the dataset, Data Similarities were used instead of external meta data for automation.

Many other pre-text(before text, image at pretraining) tasks were in

  • Recolorizing tasks
  • predicting transformations
  • inpainting
  • patch-reordering

Revisiting Patch based architectures, like [[VIT]] to inpainting for pre-training. Particularly [[MAE are Scalable vision learners]] learns features that provide substantial improvements when finetuned on downstream tasks. This fine property of MAEs validated on Video, Audio and other cross modalities.

Data curation:

public data with “img” tags are extracted, discarded restricted domains, post process([[PCA Hash deduplication]] , NSFW filtering and blurring identifiable faces.) [[Self supervised Copy Detection]] is used to remove near-duplicate images. The Deduplication and retrieval stages rely on FAISS library. INFPQ(Inverted file pointer with quantization) with HNSW are used.


learnt features that are combination of Dino and iBOT. added regularizer to spread features & a short high resolution training phase.

  • Image level objective: cross entropy loss b/n features from student-teacher network. both features come from class-token of VIT, obtained from different crops of the same image. we learn the parameters of the student & build the teacher with EMA(exp.. moving average).
  • patch-level objective: random masking some of input patches are given to student, but not to teacher. Added cross-entropy loss between the patch features of both networks on each masked patch. this loss is combined with image level loss.
  • Sinkhorn-knopp centering, Koleo regularizer, adapting resolution to 518x518 during short period at end of pretraining.
  • Flash attention is used to improve memory usage & speed on self-attention layers.
  • same forward pass on the global and local crops lead to significant compute efficiency gains.
  • Implementation of stochastic depth that skips the computation of the dropped residuals rather than masking the result.
  • Some modifications, like LayerScale and a high Stochastic Depth (rate=0.4), incur a decrease in linear probe performance, but have the benefits of increasing the stability of training by avoiding NaN loss values during training.

[[FSDP]] :

adamW optimizer with 4 model replicas in fp32 for student, teacher, optimizer first moments, optimizer second moments. - weight shards will be in fp32 as required by optimizer, - but broadcasting weights and reducing gradients is done in fp16.

Finally As said, A good Model + Good data gave a good pre-trained model.



find the Dino_V2 implementation for Image classification, Image retrieval, image feature visualization using PCA in github here.

Thank you!