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know train depoly of LLMs

Chatbot Arena is a benchmarking platform after Open LLM Leaderboard. In chatbot Arena users rank models based on their responses to the users questions.

Like Andrej karpathy mentioned in his talk here, Training of LLMs involves 4 steps, which later became 3 Major Steps:

  • Pretraining - To give model ability to Generate Next word. It Generally need Entire Internet data to understand the world(words and their relation with next word). Since Training from Scratch needs Gaint GPUs.
  • Supervised Fine Tuning(SFT) - To give model a context (or) tuning it to Custom usecase. TRL library is used for it. It include support for Deepspeed, PEFT(Parameter Efficient Finetuning) with QLORA(Quantized Low Rank Adapter), Multi-GPU processing and more. UNSLOTH as another Option.

    Ultrachat 200k is one of the Best datasets used for SFT. One of the Best 7B model i.e Zephyr 7B is trained on its parent dataset called Ultrachat.

  • Human Preference training - To make Chatbot from SFT friendly, safe and helpful with Human Preference, which is also called RLHF(Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback). TRL package can be used here as well. We use a techinque called DPO(Direct Preference optimization). PPO is also one more method. HH-RLHF is one such dataset to use here. Refer to Huggingface DPO documentation here.

Alignment Handbook: is one documented explanation of How huggingface trained Zephyr-7B model. link here




  • Serverless: is that the Same GPU is provided/shared with Other users. These providers charge very minimal per token. Some providers below:

    • Anyscale

    Like mentioned in the OpenAI document here as shown below:

    from openai import OpenAI
    client = OpenAI()
    response =
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Who won the world series in 2020?"},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "The Los Angeles Dodgers won the World Series in 2020."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Where was it played?"}
    It is kind of Sending the Https request to the API.

  • Dedicated: GPU is only allocated for you. Packages like

    • TGI(from Huggingface),
    • HF Endpoints where you can host your private model or model from hugginface for minimal costs.
    • VLLM is also an opensource provider with Paged attention mechanism.
