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property method

1.Private variable: Like in Other programming languages, python also has private variable option. Any variable that has "_" before the name of variable is called private variable.

ex: _my_attribute

2.Property: Using @property decorator, we can access those private variables even outside of the Class.

3.getter: using @propery on top of any method, default becomes "Getter method".

4.Setter: using @method.setter functionality on top of a function, gives access to set a value to the private variable.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self._my_attribute = None  # Private attribute with leading underscore convention

    # Getter method
    def my_attribute(self):
        return self._my_attribute

    # Setter method
    def my_attribute(self, value):
        self._my_attribute = value

    # delter method
    def my_attribute(self,):
        del self._my_attribute

# Usage
obj = MyClass()
obj.my_attribute = 42  # Calls the setter method
print(obj.my_attribute)  # Calls the getter method
del obj.my_attribute # deletes the variable.