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Data structures

This has all the python course it needs.

It has 4 modules:

  • Data structures: For Basic python
  • OOPS: For Classes and Functions in python
  • Algorithms: For Search, Sort and Other algorithms
  • Bytes: Quick points to Excel

Data Structures:

  1. Max Number: Finding the Max number in a list

    # problem: Largest of N numbers
    # solution: we can use a for loop, iterate over & compare.
    numbers = [23,45,56,44,56,77,33,44,22,11,10]
    big = numbers[0] 
    # it is advantage to take the ""First value"" in list, rather than taking big = np.inf
    # or big = 0
    for number in numbers:
        if number>big:
            big = number

  2. GCD or HCF: Finding the Max Common number that devides the numbers.

    # Problem: find GCD (or) HCF
    # Solution: get common max number, start dividing from 1st table.
    a = 30
    b = 25
    big = 1 # starting with 1st table
    for i in range(1, max(a,b)): # iterating till to the max value of both vals, to get common number.
        if a%i == 0 and b%i == 0:
            if i>big:
                big = i

  3. Proper use of if vs elif:

    button = int(input())
    while button != 6:
        if button <= 5 and button>=1: # since it is b/n 2 bounds, "AND" is used.
            a = int(input())
            b = int(input())
        if button ==1:
        if button ==2:
        if button ==3:
        if button ==4:
        if button ==5:
        elif button <1 or button >5: # Since it is outside of 2 bounds, "OR" is used.
            print("Invalid Operation")
        button = int(input())

  4. Fibanocci number: Fibanocci is a number pattern that use its precident 2 numbers and keeps their sum as 3 rd number. There are many different ways. this is one way.

    N = 20
    n1 = 1
    n2 = 2
    summ = n1+n2
    flag = True
    while flag:
        if summ < N:
            summ = n1+n2
            n1 = n2
            n2 = summ
            flag = False

  5. Reverse Number

    num = 1234
    reversed_num = 0
    while num != 0:
        digit = num % 10 # it gives the remainder. Always last value in a number from right side.
        reversed_num = reversed_num * 10 + digit # this increases number at 10X & adds Remainder. 
        num //= 10 # this gives the quotient with roundedness.
    print("Reversed Number: " + str(reversed_num))

  6. Palindrome Number: If Reverse of a number equal to the number, then it is palindrome. ex: 121

    def check_palindrome(n):
        reverse = 0
        start = n
        while n:
            remainder = n%10
            reverse = (reverse*10) + remainder
            n = n//10
        if start == reverse: